J.S.C. Suggestion ***2013

wemwgj­vnwni ivngvwbi ivwng

wbwðZ mvd‡j¨i Aw½Kvi wb‡q
‡R.Gm.wm. mv‡Rkb-2013

welq mg~n:
# evsjv 2q
# Bs‡iRx 1g
# Bs‡iRx 2q
# MwYZ

[we.`ª: m„Rbkxj wel‡qi Rb¨ †Kvb wba©vwiZ mv‡Rkb †bB|Z‡e m„Rbkxj wel‡qi Rb¨ cvV¨ eB PP©v Ki‡j Kg‡bi welqwU wbwðZ nIqv hv‡e|]

                 Industry is the key to success
                      cwikªg ‡mŠfv‡M¨i cªm~Zx|

evsjv 2q cÎ
* A good teacher is one of the....
* Work is life..........
* Education is the back bone...
* Early rising is beneficial..........
* A newspaper is a store house....
* Honesty is a noble virtue...
* Books introduce us to.........
 2. cÎ:
# we`¨vj‡qi evwl©K cyi¯‹vi weZibx Abyôv‡bi eY©bv w`‡q †Zvgvi e›ay†K GKwU cÎ †jL|
# cix¶vq K…wZZ¡c~b© djvd‡ji Rb¨ Awfb›`b Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi e›ay†K GKwU cÎ †jL|
# wbqwgZ msev`cÎ cv‡Vi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv e¨vL¨v K‡i †Zvgvi e›ay†K GKwU cÎ †jL|
# †Zvgvi †`Lv weÁvb †gjv /eB‡gjvi eY©bv w`‡q †Zvgvi e›ay†K GKwU cÎ †jL|
# Kw¤úDUvi wk¶vi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv eY©bv K‡i †Zvgvi e›ay†K GKwU cÎ †jL|
# bKj Kivi Kzdj eY©bv K‡i †QvU fvB‡K Dc‡`k w`‡q GKwU cÎ †jL|  
# eo †ev‡bi weevn Dcj‡¶ e›ay†K `vIqvZ w`‡q GKwU cÎ †jL|
# GKwU moK `yN©Ubvi eY©bv w`‡q †Zvgvi e›ay†K GKwU cÎ †jL|
# ‡Zvgvi Rxe‡bi j¶¨ eY©bv w`‡q †Zvgvi e›ay†K GKwU cÎ †jL|
# e›ayi wcZvi g„Zz¨i msev` ï‡b mvš—bv w`‡q GKwU cÎ †jL|
@ cvbxq R‡ji Amyweav `~ixKi‡b †Zvgvi GjvKvq GKwU bjKyc¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ BDwbqb cwil‡`i †Pqvig¨v‡bi wbKU GKwU `iLv¯— †jL| 
@ †Zvgvi GjvKvq GKwU cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq ¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ KZ…©c‡¶i wbKU GKwU Av‡e`b cÎ †jL|   
@ ‡Zvgvi we`¨vj‡q GKwU  K¨vw›Ub †Lvjv cª‡qvRb-GB g‡g© cÖavbwk¶†Ki wbKU GKwU `iLv¯— †jL|                                                                 
@ †Zvgvi GjvKvq GKwU WvKNi ¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ KZ…©c‡¶i wbKU GKwU Av‡e`b cÎ †jL|   
@†Zvgvi GjvKvq we`y¨Z mieiv‡ni Rb¨ KZ…©c‡¶i wbKU GKwU Av‡e`b cÎ †jL| 
@ eb¨vZ©‡`i Avï mvnvh¨ `v‡bi Rb¨ KZ…©c‡¶i wbKU GKwU Av‡e`b cÎ †jL|
@ wk¶v md‡i hvIqvi AbygwZ †P‡q cÖavbwk¶†Ki wbKU GKwU `iLv¯— †jL|

5. mvivsg/mvigg©
@ emygwZ †Kb Zzwg GZ .........
@ †h b`x nvivq †mªvZ..............
@ c‡ii Kvi‡b ¯^v_© w`qv ewj........
@ b`x Kfy cvb bvwn K‡i wbR.....
@ ˆ`b¨ hw` Av‡m AvmyK.......
@ †QvU †QvU evjyKbv we›`y we›`y ...
@ ˆkk‡e m`yc‡`k hvnvi bv.....
@ ¯^vaxbZvi ¯úk©gwb mevB....
@ eûw`b a‡i eû‡µvk `~‡i....
@ gnvÁvbx gnvRb †h c‡_.......
6. fvem¤cÖmvib
# ¯^vaxbZv AR©‡bi †P‡q ¯^vaxbZv i¶v Kiv KwVb|
# ¯^‡`‡ki DcKv‡i bvB hvi gb †K e‡j gvbyl Zv‡i cky †mB Rb|
# KxwZ©gv‡bi g„Zz¨ †bB|                              
# `y:†Li gZ GZ eo cik cv_i Avi †bB|
# Ab¨vq †h K‡i Avi Ab¨vq †h m‡n
     Ze N„bv †hb Zv‡i Z…Ymg `‡n|                                      
# c‡ii Awbó wPš—v K‡i †h Rb
   wb‡Ri Awbó exR K‡i †m ecb|   
# g½j Kwievi kw³B ab, wejvm ab b‡n|
# `yR©b we`¨vb n‡jI cwiZ¨vR¨| 
# cy®ú Avcbvi Rb¨ †dv‡Ubv|
# †h GKv †m mvgvb¨, hvnvi GK¨ bvB †m Zz”Q|
7. iPbv
@ Aa¨emvq
@ PwiÎ
@ msev`cÎ
@ wbqgvbyewZ©Zv
@ gvbe Kj¨v‡b weÁvb
@ evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`h©|

English First Paper

# A piece of land.....
# One evening Luna and Rina......
# Mrs. Ayesha Amin Liked to tell...
# Once upon a time two farmer..]
# When Mr. Grasshopper...
# While Mrs. Ayesha Amin told...
# One sunny morning..........
# Honesty is the best policy....
# Mrs. Siddiqua Murshed was very happy.....
# Ruplal (all)
#Six Blind men and an elephant(all)

2. Paragraph
         @ Your first day at school.
         @  Knowledge is power.
         @ Responsibility.
         @ Your favourite teacher.
         @ Growing up socially.
         @ Mr. Grasshopper.
         @ An accident.
3. Letter

   * Write a letter to your friend invite the join a picnic/birthday party/marriage                                               
      ceremonyof your sister.
   * Write a letter to your friend describing Annual prize giving ceremony/sports      
      day of your school.
   * Write a letter to your friend congratulation on his brilliant success in the JSC                                              
   * Write a letter to your friend describing how to you spend the summer                      
   * Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you a some of money.
   * Write a letter to your younger brother  about the bad effect of smoking.
   * Write a letter to your younger brother asking progress in his studies.                                                                                   
   * Write a letter to your friend describing A street accident.
   * Write a letter to your friend of his father sudden death.
   * Write a letter to your friend about your country.
   * Write a letter to your friend about your School.

English Second Paper

1. Paragraph
      * Load shedding.
      * Early rising.
      * Traffic jam.
      * Street accident.
      * A school magazine.
      * Winter morning.
      * A moonlit night.
      * My country.
      * Tea stall
      * How to become a good student

2. Composition
         & Value of time..
         & Flood in Bangladesh.
         & The wonder of Science.
         & The game you like most.
         & A village fair.
         & My village

3. Application

# Write an application to the Chairman of your union parishad for Sinking tube well.
# Write an application to the Chairman of your union parishad for the      construction of a bridge /road.
# Write an application to the Chairman of your union parishad for flood Affected people.
# Write an application to the Headmaster for enchaining common room  facilities.
# Write an application to the Headmaster for setting up a canteen/ common room.   # Write an application to the Headmaster for financial help from the Poor fund.
# Write an application to the Headmaster for a transfer certificate/ testimonial.     
# Write an application to the Headmaster for a half holiday.
4. Dialogue
       $ Write a dialogue between two friends about the importance of tree
       $ Write a dialogue between two friends about the importance of learning    
       $ Write a dialogue between two friends that how to open a bank account.      
       $ Write a dialogue between two friends about the importance of reading     
       $ Write a dialogue between two friends about the load shedding/ Traffic jam.
       $ Write a dialogue between two friends about the benefit of early rising.  
       $ Write a dialogue between  you and your Headmaster about admission.
       $ Write a dialogue between two friends about village life and city life.
       $ Write a dialogue between two friends about your hobby.    
       $ Write a dialogue between two friends about choice of career.

5. Completing story
# The judgement of a soloman....
# Once there lived a old farmer.....
# Once a lion was sleeping....                                                                                    
# There was an old pond.....
# Two friends and a bear.....
# A fox without a tail.....
# A poor wood cutter.....
# Dividing the bread.....
# A Liar cow boy....
# A thirsty crow.....



Abykxjbx-1-D`vniY-33, eB-18(L,N)
Abykxjbx-2.1- D`vniY- 27. eB- 16,18,20,26,27,28,30,31,32.
Abykxjbx-2.2- (11,13,18,27, 30,32,33,34,35)
Abykxjbx-2.3- (13,16,18,26,27,28,32,36,37)
Abykxjbx-3- (27,28,31,32,33,34,38)
Abykxjbx-4.1- (3,4,6)/4.2-(2,3,6,7,8)


Abykxjbx-1.1- 1(X,b,c)8,11,14,15,17(L,N) D`vniY- 12,13.
Abykxjbx-1.2- (M,O,P)4,7,11,12,13,14,15,17(M,O,R)
Abykxjbx-1.3- (7,8,9,10,13,14,27,31,40,45,55,63,65,68)
Abykxjbx-2.1- 2(R).3(N,Q).5(O,P,T,X,U)
Abykxjbx-2.2- (9,10,11,13,15)
Abykxjbx-2.3- D`vniY- 7. eB-(12,15,16.17,21)
Abykxjbx-3.1- D`vniY- 7. eB-(18,20,21,22,23)
Abykxjbx-4.1- (8,12,20,21,23,24)
Abykxjbx-4.2- (5,6,8,13,14,16)
Abykxjbx-5.1- 4(K,M,N) 5.
*Dccv`¨=10,17,19, 23.
*m¤úv`¨= 18,20,21,22,24.
              *Dccv`¨= Aby-1(4,11,12,14,18) Aby-2(8,10,12)
Submitted by


  1. sir jodi notun boi onusare math suggestion ta den tahole khub valo hoi


  3. sir somaj suggestion den tahole khub valo shoy

  4. bangla suggesion thakle bhalo hoto. i want bangla 1st paper suggestion.
