wemwgj­vnwni ivngvwbi ivwng
wbwðZ mvd‡j¨i Aw½Kvi wb‡q
Gm.Gm.wm. mv‡Rkb-2013

welq mg~n:
# evsjv 2q
# Bs‡iRx 1g
# Bs‡iRx 2q
# MwYZ

[we.`ª: m„Rbkxj wel‡qi Rb¨ †Kvb wba©vwiZ mv‡Rkb †bB|Z‡e m„Rbkxj wel‡qi Rb¨ cvV¨ eB PP©v Ki‡j Kg‡bi welqwU wbwðZ nIqv hv‡e|]

                     Industry is the key to success.
 cwikªg ‡mŠfv‡M¨i cªm~Zx|myZivs cwikªg Ki| cwikª‡gi dj e„_v hv‡e bv, mvdj¨ Awbevh©|

mKj QvÎ-QvÎxi Rb¨ G mv‡Rkb AbymiY Ki‡jB Pj‡e|

wemwgj­vwni ivngvwbi ivwng
mg¯— cÖksmv Avj­vn ZvAvjvi Rb¨
evsjv 2q cÎ


* We should bear the........***
* Our total environment....*
* Education is the back bone...**
* Poverty is a great problem....***
* Man can’t live alone.....**
* Bangladesh is the land of...***
* Man is the architect......**
* Honesty is a noble virtue...***
* It is impossible to describe....**
* He who loves his country....***

2. cÎ:
# bKj Kivi Kzdj eY©bv K‡i †QvU fvB‡K Dc‡`k w`‡q GKwU cÎ †jL|*
# Kw¤úDUvi wk¶vi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv eY©bv K‡i †Zvgvi e›ay†K GKwU cÎ †jL|***
# †Zvgvi †`Lv weÁvb †gjv /eB‡gjvi eY©bv w`‡q †Zvgvi e›ay†K GKwU cÎ †jL|**
# BfwUwRs †iv‡a KiYxq welq m¤ú‡K ©†QvU fvB‡K  Dc‡`k w`‡q GKwU cÎ †jL|**
# wbqwgZ msev`cÎ cv‡Vi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv e¨vL¨v K‡i †Zvgvi e›ay†K GKwU cÎ †jL|***
#we`¨vj‡qi †kl w`‡b †Zvgvi g‡bi Ae¯’v eY©bv K‡i ‡Zvgvi cÖevmx e›ay†K GKwU cÎ †jL|**  
# gva¨wgK cix¶vq DIxY© nIqvi ci fwel¨Z cwiKíbv m¤ú‡K© eY©bv K‡i †Zvgvi e›ay†K GKwU cÎ †jL|***
@ cÖksmvcÎ/QvocÎ †P‡q  cÖavbwk¶†Ki wbKU GKwU `iLv¯— †jL|**
@ wk¶v md‡i hvIqvi AbygwZ †P‡q cÖavbwk¶†Ki wbKU GKwU `iLv¯— †jL|***
@ eb¨vZ©‡`i Avï mvnvh¨ `v‡bi Rb¨ KZ…©c‡¶i wbKU GKwU Av‡e`b cÎ †jL|***
@ ‡Zvgvi we`¨vj‡q GKwU  K¨vw›Ub †Lvjv cª‡qvRb-GB g‡g© cÖavbwk¶†Ki wbKU GKwU `iLv¯— †jL|**                                                                
@ QvÎ Kj¨vY Znwej n‡Z Avw_©K mvnv‡h¨i Av‡e`b Rvwb‡q cÖavbwk¶†Ki wbKU GKwU `iLv¯— †jL|*
@ †Zvgvi GjvKvq GKwU cvVvMvi ¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ Avw_©K mvnv‡h¨i Av‡e`b Rvwb‡q †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki wbKU GKwU `iLv¯— †jL|*** 
@ cvbxq R‡ji Amyweav `~ixKi‡b †Zvgvi GjvKvq GKwU bjKyc¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ BDwbqb cwil‡`i †Pqvig¨v‡bi wbKU GKwU `iLv¯— †jL|** 

4. mvivsk:
# Lye †QvU wQ‡`ªi g‡a¨ w`‡q.....*
# kªg‡K kªØvi mv‡_ MÖnb Ki....**
# cÖK„Z Áv‡bi ¯ú„nv bv _vK‡j...***
# †Kvb mf¨ RvwZ‡K Amf¨....**
# Zzwg Rxeb‡K ¯^v_©K Ki‡Z...***
# Ac‡ii Rb¨ Zzwg †Zvgvi cªvb...**
# we`¨v gvby‡li g~j¨evb m¤ú`....*
# gvZ„‡mœ‡ni Zzjbv bvB....***

5. mvigg©:
@ G‡m‡Q bZzb wkï, Zv‡i ‡Q‡o......**
@ wb›`y‡K‡i evwm Avwg mevi †P‡q....***
@ †Kv_vq ¯^M©.......Kz‡oN‡i........***
@ b`x Kfy cvb bvwn K‡i wbR.....***
@ ˆ`b¨ hw` Av‡m AvmyK.......***
@ ¯^v_©K Rbg Avgvi R‡b¥wQ......***
@ †QvU †QvU evjyKbv we›`y we›`y ....***
@ ˆkk‡e m`yc‡`k hvnvi bv.....**
@ emygwZ †Kb Zzwg GZB K…cYv.....***
@ ¯^vaxbZvi ¯úk©gwb mevB....***
@ eûw`b a‡i eû‡µvk `~‡i....*

6. fvem¤cÖmvib:
# Ab¨vq †h K‡i Avi Ab¨vq †h m‡n***
     Ze N„bv †hb Zv‡i Z…Ymg `‡n|
# MÖš’MZ we`¨v Avi cin‡¯’ ab***
   b‡n we`¨v b‡n ab n‡jI cÖ‡qvRb|
# we‡k¦ hv wKQz gnvb m©wó wPi Kj¨vYKi**
    A‡a©K Zvi Mwoqv‡Q bvix A‡a©K Zvi bi|                                      
# AvZœkw³ AR©bB wk¶vi g~j D‡Ïk¨|***
# ¯^vaxbZv AR©‡bi †P‡q ¯^vaxbZv i¶v Kiv KwVb|***
# ¯^‡`‡ki DcKv‡i bvB hvi gb †K e‡j gvbyl Zv‡i cky †mB Rb|**
# KxwZ©gv‡bi g„Zz¨ bvB|***                                  
# c‡ii Awbó wPš—v K‡i †h Rb,wb‡Ri Awbó exR K‡i †m ecb|**
# Zi“jZv mn‡RB Zi“jZv, cïcvwL mn‡RB cïcvwL, wKš‘ gvbyl cªvYcb †Póvq Z‡e gvbyl|***

7 iPbv:                    
@ kª‡gi gh©v`v***                    @ gvbe Kj¨v‡b weÁvb***                        
@ Aa¨emvq***                       @ wek¦ wµ‡K‡U evsjv‡`k**             
@ msev`cÎ**                         @ RvwZMV‡b bvix mgvR***    
@ ¯^‡`k‡cÖg**                         @ evsjv‡`‡k †eKvi mgm¨v I Zvi mgvavb|***                 

                     cwikªg †mŠfv‡M¨i cªm~wZ, myZivs cwikªg Ki, cwikª‡gi dj
                                    e„_v hv‡e bv, mvdj¨ Awbevh©|

wemwgj­vwni ivngvwbi ivwng
mg¯— cÖksmv Avj­vn ZvAvjvi Rb¨
English First Paper


     # It was the eve of.....***
     # In accordance with.....***
     # Neil A Armstrong....***
     # The first thing.....***
     # Feroza [All]***
     # Lutfur is 8 years old....***
     # Tanzeen karim is the....*
     # May day is the first**
     # Masum felt a little...*
     # The statue of liberty...***
     # In mid- 15 century....***
     # The UNESCO has proclaimed...***
@ 21February.**
@ A school library.**
@ Pahela Baishaks.***
@ Visit to a of historical place.**
@ Importance of learning English.**
@ Environment pollution/Arsenic problem.***

3. Letter.
*  Write a letter to your friend of his father sudden death.**
* Write a letter to your friend thanking him for the birthday gift.***
*  Write a letter to your friend about the importance of reading news paper.**  
* Write a letter to your father about your preparation for the SSC examination.***
* Write a letter to your friend about how to improve your proficiency in English.***
* Write a letter to your pen friend describing the food and food habits in Bangladesh.**                                                                                                                   
* Write a letter to your friend invite the join a picnic/birthday party/marriage ceremony.**                                                
* Write a letter to your friend about your visit to a place of historical interest /importance                    
    of learning English.*
* Write a letter to your friend describing Annual prize giving ceremony/sports day of your       
    school/ Village fair.**             
* Write a letter to your friend describing him what you intend to do after S.S.C exam.**
4. Composition.
           $ The land you live in.*
           $ Flood in Bangladesh.**
           $ your chilhood memories/ A memorable day.***

                     cwikªg †mŠfv‡M¨i cªm~wZ, myZivs cwikªg Ki, cwikª‡gi dj
                                    e„_v hv‡e bv, mvdj¨ Awbevh©|

        wemwgj­vwni ivngvwbi ivwng
   mg¯— cÖksmv Avj­vn ZvAvjvi Rb¨
English Second Paper


1. Paragraph.
      * Load shedding.***                       * Deforestation.***
      * Winter morning.*                         * A farmer**
      * Your hobby.**                              * Importance of tree plantation.***
      * Street accident**                          * A book fair.***
      * Traffic jam*

[we:`ª:- paragraph First paper and second paper GKBmv‡_ m¤ú„³]

2. Composition.
         & Person/Season you like most.**
         & Importance of reading newspaper.**
         & Science in everyday life.*
         & My Aim in life.***
         & Journey you like most/Boat/Train.***
         & Physical exercise.*

3. Application.
# Write an application to the Headmaster for morning school.*
# Write an application to the principal praying for a Testimonial.*** 
# Write an application to the Headmaster for financial help from the Poor fund.*
# Write an application to the Headmaster for starting a debating club in your school.***
# Write an application to the Chairman of your union parishad for Sinking tube well.**
# Write an application to the Chairman of your union parishad for flood Affected people.*
# Write an application to the Headmaster for giving permission to   go to study tour/                                                                                                                                                                                                 
    excursion a picnic.***
# Write an application to the Headmaster for enchaining library/common room facilities/
   Computer club.***  
# Write an application to the Chairman of your union parishad for the construction of a
    bridge / road.***                  

4. Dialogue.
$ Write a dialogue between two friends about choice of career.***
$ Write a dialogue between two friends about village life and city life.*
$ Write a dialogue between two friends that how to open a bank account.**           
$ Write a dialogue between two friends Mina and Razu about Mobile phone.
$ Write a dialogue between two friends about the importance of tree plantation.***
$ Write a dialogue between two friends about the importance of learning English.***
$ Write a dialogue between two friends about the importance of proper use of time.**
$ Write a dialogue between two friends about the importance of reading Newspaper.**
$ Write a dialogue between two friends about the preparation of S.S.C. Examination.***
$ Write a dialogue between two friends about various effects and Remedies of air  pollution/ Environment pollution.**                                                                                                                                                                                            

5. Completing story.
* There lived a farmer.....**               
* A fox without a tail.....***                                                                                                                                    
* Once a thirsty crow......***
* Rahim is a garments worker....**
* Once a lion was sleeping....***                                                                                   
* Bayazid was a small boy....**
* Once there wetre a hare and a tortoise.......*
* Once there lived a old farmer and three son.....***
* One day a poor girl named Rina worked in a....*** 

                     cwikªg †mŠfv‡M¨i cªm~wZ, myZivs cwikªg Ki, cwikª‡gi dj
                                    e„_v hv‡e bv, mvdj¨ Awbevh©|

cÖvß b¤^‡ii ‡kªYx e¨vwß
MwYZ mv‡Rkb

wemwgj­vwni ivngvwbi ivwng
mg¯— cÖksmv Avj­vn ZvAvjvi Rb¨

exRMwYZ -50
1| †mU †_‡K 2 wU cÖkœ _vK‡e 1 wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|                              4 × 1 = 4
Ex- 1.1
3(i***), 4(i***,ii***), 10(iii*, iv*) D`vt 6***
hw` A = {a,b,c,d}, B = {a,f,g) nq Z‡e cÖgvY Ki †h AÈB = (A-B) È(B-A) È(AÇB)
Ex- 1.2
3*, 4***, 7***
2| ev¯—e msL¨v t 1 wU cÖkœ _vK‡e 1 wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|                           4 × 1 = 4
Ex- 2
2(ii*),8(i, ii**) cÖgvY Ki †h, ***, ,GKwU Ag~j` msL¨v|D`vt 7*** 
3| exRMwYZ ivwkgvjv t 5 wU cÖkœ _vK‡e 3 wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e                 5 × 3 = 15
Ex- 3.1
8**, 14***, 18***,19*** (D`vt 8,** 9**,10***)
p4+= 119 n‡j cÖgvY Ki †h, p=3+/ p3-=36.***
Ex- 3.2
10***, 14**, 15*** (D`vt 6***,7***, 8*), hw` x+y = a, x2+y2=b2 Ges x3+y3=c3 nq Z‡e †`LvI †h, a3+2c3=3ab2.**
Ex- 3.7
6***, 7***, 10***, 11**, 12***, (D`vt 32*)
Ex- 3.8
6***,7***,11**,12***,15***,16**, 23***.
4| m~PK I jMvwi`g t 2 wU cÖkœ _vK‡e 1 wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|                   5 × 1 = 5
Ex- 4.1
4**, 8***,  9***, 10**,11**. (D`vt 4**)
Ex- 4.3
3**, 6(i*, iii**,iv***, v***)
5| AbycvZ I mgvbycvZ t 2 wU cÖkœ _vK‡e 1 wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|               5 × 1 = 5
Ex- 5.1
11(iii***), 15***, 18***, 19***,  
Ex- 5.2
10***, 16***, 17*, 18***, 19**.20*.
hw` †Kvb eM©‡¶‡Îi cÖ‡Z¨K evûi cwigvb 20% n«vm cvq Z‡e Zvi †¶Îdj kZKiv KZ n«vm ev e„w× cv‡e?***

6| GK PjK wewkó
Ex- 6.1
†Lvjv evK¨ t 2 wU cÖkœ _vK‡e 1 wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|      4 × 1 = 4
Ex- 6.2
7**, 8***,/6.6-5*,9***,15**,16***,17**,19***.
Ex- 6.5
10**,11***, 15***,16**(D`vt 16***).  
7| AY^q, dvskb I †jLwPÎ t 2 wU cÖkœ _vK‡e 1 wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|          4 × 1 = 4
Ex- 7.1
Ex- 7.4
3***, 4**, 5***,(D`vt 13***).
8| `yB PjK wewkó mgxKiY t 2 wU cÖkœ _vK‡e 1 wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|          4 × 1 = 4
Ex- 8.2
5*, 9*, 10**.
Ex- 8.5
5**, 8**, 12**, 14* (D`vt 13**).
Ex- 8.7
7**, 8*.
Ex- 8.8
3***, 8***, 12**.
Ex- 8.9
6**, 7***, 9***,10***.
9| mvš—aviv t 2 wU cÖkœ _vK‡e 1 wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|                            5 × 1 = 5
Ex- 9.1
‡`LvI †h, cÖ_g c` a Ges mvaviY Aš—i d wewkó GKwU mgvš—i avivi cÖ_g n msL¨K c‡`i mgwó s = {2a+(n-1)d}-7***, 8***, 10***
Ex- 9.2
4**, 5***, 6***, 7*, 10***,12**

1| ‡KvY Ges AbycvZ t 2 wU cÖkœ _vK‡e 1 wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|                 4 × 1 = 4
15**, 16***, 17***, 20*** (D`vt 5***, 6***, 8***)
11**,12***, 13***, 15** (D`vt 3***, 5**)
3*, 5**, 7**, 8***, 9*** (D`vt 3***)

1| mgZwjK †¶Î I e„Ë m¤úwK©Z t 2 wU cÖkœ _vK‡e 1 wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|    4 × 1 = 4
3**,4** 5***, (D`vt 5**)
7**, (D`vt 3***)
mgZwjK †¶Î I e„Ë m¤úwK©Z t 2 wU cÖkœ _vK‡e 1 wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|              4 × 1 = 4
2***, 4*** (D`vt 3*)
4***, 5** (D`vt 3***)

1| mÂvic_, cx_v‡Mvivm  I e„‡Ëi R¨v m¤úwK©Z Dccv`¨ †_‡K 1wU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| 6 × 1 = 6
Dccv`¨ (cx_v‡Mvivm)
e„Ë m¤úK©
35**,41***, 47***, 50***
2| m¤úv`¨t wÎfyR, PZzfy©R I e„Ë n‡Z wZbwU cÖkœ _vK‡e 1 wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| 5 × 1 = 5
3.1**, 3.3***, 3.4***, 3.7***,
3| m¤úv`¨ G·Uªv `yBwU cÖkœ _vK‡e 1 wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|                        5 × 1 = 5
m¤úv`¨ G·Uªv
Ex- 3(1***, 3***, 4***,)
Ex- 11(4**7***)
4| Dccv‡`¨i G·Uªv wZbwU cÖkœ _vK‡e 2 wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|                    4 × 2 = 8
Dccv`¨ G·Uªv
Ex- 2(9**, 17**)
Ex- 5(7***, 8***)
Ex- 10.5(4***)
Ex- 10.7(1***)
Ex- 10.8 (4**, 9**)

we:`ª:[`ye©j I mvavib QvÎQvÎx‡`i Rb¨ GB cÖkœgvjv¸‡jv Ki‡jB Pj‡et 1.2, 02, 3.1, 3.2, 3.7, 3.8, 4.3, 5.2, 6.1, 6.5, 7.2, 7.4, 8.7, 8.9, 9.1]                  A to A+

m¤¢ve¨ WvK cwieZ©bt
1| hw` (ax-cy, a2-c2) = (0, ay-cx)  nq, Z‡e (x, y) wbb©q Ki|
2| (x-y, a2+b2) = (2a, ax+by) n‡j (x, y) Ges (x+y) wbb©q Ki|
3| x2+= 10 n‡j cÖgvY Ki †h, x =
4| 3a - = 0 nq Z‡e a3 -  Gi gvb KZ?
5| x+y =  Ges x-y = n‡j cÖgvb Ki †h, xy (x2+y2) =  
6| x = 3+2 n‡j -  Gi gvb KZ?
7| (a2+1)2 = 3a2 n‡j a3+Gi gvb KZ
8| a2+= 1 n‡j cÖgvb Ki †h, a3+= 0
9| x(4-x2), x4+6x3+8x2, x2+2x-8 Gi j.mv.¸
10| ++=0                         
11| = x2-2ax+(a+b) (a-b) n‡j x Gi †Kvb gv‡bi Rb¨ = 0 n‡e|
12| x2+y2 µ xy nq Z‡e cÖgvb Ki †h, xµy
13| xµy Ges yµz n‡j ‡`LvI †h (x2+y2) µ z3
14| †Kvb mgvš—i avivi cÖ_g n c‡`i mgwó n(n+1) n‡j, avivwU wbb©q Ki Ges avivwUi cÖ_g 10wU c‡`i mgwó KZ?
15| 5+11+17+23+ ......... 59 = KZ ?

wet`ªt mvaviY QvÎ/QvÎx‡`i WvK cwieZ©‡bi AsK¸‡jv bv Ki‡jI Pj‡e| Kvib eZ©gv‡b 10% As‡Ki †ewk WvK cwieZ©b nq bv|

                     cwikªg †mŠfv‡M¨i cªm~wZ, myZivs cwikªg Ki, cwikª‡gi dj
                                    e„_v hv‡e bv, mvdj¨ Awbevh©|

Submitted by

1 comment:

  1. Please change this font and make it "Arial". Untill, we can't understand so this web is useless.
